The Most Beautiful Woman in the World: A Russian Folk Tale

One day during harvest time, a little girl got separated from her mother. She was running around, crying and shouting out for her. People felt sorry for her and tried to help. Everyone started bombarding her with questions, like what her mother’s name was, how she looked like, what she was wearing, plus a dozen other questions as well. All this was pretty overwhelming for the little girl. This only made her cry even more. Finally, in response to all their questions, she had one simple answer, “My mother is the most beautiful woman in the whole world!”

Ahh, that narrowed it down a bit, people thought. They started rounding out the good-looking women and had them stand in a row. There were blondes, redheads and brunettes. Some had eyes of blue, others hazel, and the rest, brown and green. They were undoubtedly the prettiest girls that anyone could find. Surely, one among those bevy of beauties had to be the child’s mother.

One by one, the women were presented to the little girl. The little girl looked at every single one and shook her head each time. Finally, they came to the last person.

“Is this your mother?”

The little girl looked at the beauty before her, shook her head and burst into tears. “I told you, my mother is the most beautiful woman in the whole world!!!”

Suddenly, the crowd saw a woman huffing and puffing towards them.

“I am that child’s mother!”

Everyone turned around to take a good look at her. She was short and stocky, and had a round, plesant face with sparkling eyes. She was not a conventional beauty, but the love emanating from her face made her luminous. She rushed over to the little girl, scooped her up in her arms, and covered her with kisses, all the while thanking everyone for keeping her child safe. The little girl, her tears now replaced by a big smile, told everyone triumphantly, “I told you my mother was the most beautiful woman in the whole world!”

To everyone else, the woman cradling the little girl was plain and ordinary, but to her little girl, she was indeed, without question, the most beautiful woman in the whole world. As people went home that day, they looked at their family with more appreciation, humbled by a little girl who taught them a very valuable lesson: We do not love people because they are beautiful. They are beautiful because we love them.

10 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. achijoy
    Mar 04, 2011 @ 01:04:23

    So true, I so loved it whenever Mom enjoyed a new dress or two and grieved with her when she lost a handful of jewelries. In our case, Mom was so good in making us feel beautiful, too. Remember, Tot, how she would call u “swisshaars”, pina-“slang” kintahay sa sweetheart, and would gush how pretty you were “bisan kung ang ilong naa ang taliwtiw sa kilid” just like a true Fernandez. That’s why I found it amusing when Melanie was young and she’d gripe why u didn’t give her ur nose but gave her ur bagtak instead. Now that she’s grown, no more complaints about those things, am sure.



  2. emmblu
    Mar 08, 2011 @ 10:51:28

    Achi Joy, yes, Mommy always made us feel beautiful and loved, because she had so much love and beauty inside of her, too.
    Clarification on the nose and bagtak: Chessa used to complain that I gave her the “bags,” which meant the eyebags and the bagtak, but I always jokingly replied that those were the two features that made us stand out. As for Melanie, she used to measure her nose against mine, and found it falling “short,” but I always assured her that one day she was gonna “grow into it,” and she did. Yes, definitely no more complaints about those things… 🙂



  3. w
    Sep 22, 2011 @ 20:10:23

    I’m crying reading this story.. simple yet beautiful



  4. Dinesh Chikballapur
    Dec 14, 2013 @ 23:29:39

    very touching story indeed



    • emmblu
      Dec 15, 2013 @ 09:12:08

      Thank you so much for reading my post and taking the time to leave a comment. Truly, this story reminds us that what is essential is invisible to the eye. Beauty is, indeed, in the eye of the beholder.


  5. betty
    Apr 17, 2015 @ 12:09:26

    I love this story! I read this as a child and have loved it ever since. Thank you for sharing this! I will be reading this to my children 🙂



  6. mohammed
    Oct 21, 2016 @ 07:23:11

    my mother is the most beautiful woman in the world



  7. Kendra
    May 29, 2023 @ 07:37:54

    I first read this story as a very young child, and it is just as beautiful as I remember.

    Liked by 1 person


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